Tag: ROS
Test of the integration of Ultrasonic Bumper with ROS framework

In the following video you can see one of the first test of the integration of the Ultrasonic Bumper with the ROS framework. The test verifies the response time of two sensors mounted on the front panel of MyzharBot-v4. The ros_ultrasonic_bumper node acquires the ranges from the two sensors and publishes…
Ultrasonic Bumper Board based on ST Nucleo32

The optical spatial sensors mounted on MyzharBot v3 and MyzharBot v4 have a intrinsic limitation that make it unable to perceive obstacle that are too near along its forward motion direction. Asus Xtion Pro Live does not see obstacles nearest than 50cm, Stereolabs ZED does not see obstacles nearest than…
New ROS package to verify the status of the DCDC-USB power converter
[Tutorial] Stereolabs ZED on Nvidia Jetson TK1: the official getting started guide

On MyzharBot v4 the Asus Xtion Pro Live RGB-D sensor has been replaced by the Stereolabs ZED stereo camera, in order to overcome the limitations of the Primesense technology in outdoor environment under the direct sunlight. The installation of the ZED camera on the Nvidia Jetson TK1 is really straigthforward as…
Working on the ROS driver for the StereoLabs ZED camera running on Nvidia Jetson TK1
ROS – working on driver for DepthSense DS325 camera
ROS: MyzharBot Virtual model and Asus Xtion Pro Live

I finally added Asus Xtion Pro Live to the virtual model of MyzharBot (not yet fully complete) in Rviz GUI. The result is the following To obtain this result you must run the following commands, every one in a different terminal: $ roslaunch ros_myzharbot_robot myzharbot.launch runs the “serial_bridge” node to…
New video: Teleoperation using ROS, Rviz and Interactive Marker Twist Server

In this new video a demonstration of the teleoperation of MyzharBot using the “Interactive Marner Twist Server“, an amazing Rviz tool that allows to send Twist (linear and angular speeds) messages to the “serial_bridge” node simply dragging a circular marker. The final effect is really good and driving the robot is…