PID Tuner v0.1 is available

Pid Tuner v0.1

The release 0.1 ff the PID Tuner is finally available on Github: Software to tune the PID control on the uNav board 0 forks. 5 stars. 6 open issues. Recent commits: Update, Roberto D'Amico uNav parameters setting completed *EVERYTHING TO BE TESTED!!!, Myzhar Added missing files, Myzhar Modification…

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MyzharBot is joining the uNav project by Officine Robotiche


MyzharBot has started the migration to a new software configuration. Everything started from the uNav project by Officine Robotiche. Since MyzharBot is part of the new born italian amateur robotics group named “Officine Robotiche“, in the last few months we worked together to unify the software that drives the robots…

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First steps with ROS… MyzharBot moves its tracks!

Here is the video of the first “steps” made by MyzharBot under ROS. In the last days I wrote down the code for the rosnode that will provide motor control: robocontroller_node. Using the “turtle_teleop_key” node, included in ROS, I tested that the communication between ROS and RoboController board was ok… and…

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Migration to ROS is ongoing…

A gentle introduction to ROS

As mentioned in the previous post, MyzharBot is migrating to ROS. One of the first step to realize was the porting of the interface to the RoboController board using modbus protocol. Well, it is ready! The rosnode that will perform the Motion Control of the Robot is able to connect to…

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