With Mauro Soligo from katodo.com we are creating a support card for STM32F4-Discovery to handle up to 16 modules sonar (HC-SR04) for robotics applications. MyzharBot will use only 4 sonar sensors, but larger robots will be able to leverage the power of the new board.
As usual the board is openhardware and the schematics are now available on github.com under LLU module with the full firmware that is still in beta testing.
The firmware will be based on the new STm32CubeMX tool that make the development for STm32 MCUs very very fast!
The board will not only be able to drive 16 sonar sensors, but will have 16 RGB leds to monitor sonars functionality, it will use the accelerometer present on the STM32F4-Discovery and will have plenty of other functions… stay tuned.