MyzharBot is growing up… waiting for the arrival of the new plastic chassis, it is time to go on with the software.
The firmware of the RoboController v2 board is becoming more and more stable, we reached more than one our of continous working without any board reset.
There is another robot that suites the Robocontroller v2 board: WoodyBot, made by Mauro Soligo, the creator of our motor control card. Mauro is testing very hard the software on his robot and we are very happy about its current status.
By my side I am working hard on the HLU software. The SDK is almost complete and I’m testing it with a Qt5 software running on Windows, Linux and Android.
We now have an interface to send the configuration of the robot to the RoboController, so we can save the mechanical parameters on the EEPROM of the board.
The parameters are used to calculate the linear speed of the robot according to wheels radius, wheelbase, motor gear ratio, encoder count per revolution and so on.
Stay tuned… good news are coming
You can download the apps to control MyzharBot on the Google Play Store
You can download the source code of SDK and application by Github: