Latest news… the project is going on

It’s been a lot since latest post… the project has not stopped, but the time is missing, so blog update is confined into limited time slots. Who follows the news on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube knows that also this year MyzharBot was demoing in the Nvidia’s booth at GTC 2016…

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Nvidia Jetson TX1 as Access Point and a guide to configure ROS-OpenCV for Jetsons


Making the final preparations for the participation of MyzharBot-v4 at the next conference GTC 2016 by Nvidia (San Jose, California, APRIL 4-7, 2016), I realized that it would be very helpful to have two guides for the realization of two basic operations for using the Nvidia Jetson TX1 on a…

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[Video] Testing the new uNavSB H-Bridge board for uNav Motor Controller

The motors that move MyzharBot are really powerful, really too much powerful for the motor drivers mounted on the little uBridge shield used originally by the amazing uNav Motor Control board made by Officine Robotiche. For this reason Mauro Soligo (under a “very little” pressure) realized the new uNavSB carrier board that uses the…

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