Embedded Computer Vision Real Time? Nvidia Jetson TX2 + VisionWorks toolkit

CSI Camera module

The Computer Vision is a really computational power requesting task, if you work with computer vision you know that to reach very high frame rates you need to maximize the parallelism of the algorithms and you know that massive parallelism is reachable only moving elaborations to GPUs. The embedded massive…

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First boot of the Nvidia Jetson TX2 and CUDA test

The 7th march Nvidia launched the new Jetson TX2. In the launch post I described the differences with the previous Jetson and how the new Jetson TX2 can double the performances of the TX1. Now it’s time to see how it really works, so let’s stop the written words and let’s…

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The dawn of the new Jetson… Nvidia Jetson TX2 has come

Nvidia Jetson TX2

Well, it’s been a while since I published the latest news about MyzharBot project, what’s better than starting again from a really big news? Nvidia has presented the new Jetson module, Nvidia Jetson TX2 and it’s ready to get on board of MyzharBot

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A simple talk about Stereo Vision

Robots That See Like Humans

The last weekend, 21-22 May, was held in Rome the annual event dedicated to robotics organized by the no profit association Officine Robotiche. For the third consecutive year I made a simple talk dedicated to artificial vision applied to robotics, to approach in a simple way the audience to this subject…

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