Category: Software
News about the software developed for MyzharBot
Jetson Fever Control application against COVID19
Thermal Images on Jetson™ Nano with FLIR Lepton3
[Tutorial] TeamViewer 14 on Nvidia Jetson TX2

Remotely control the Nvidia Jetson TX2 on a local network is straightforward thanks to the default tools provided by Ubuntu. The problem comes when you need to remotely control a Nvidia Jetson TX2 over Internet. Firewall, router ports to be opened, VPN, VNC configuration… a battle that not always we…
Jetson Xavier… and Nvidia continues to surprise the world
Embedded Computer Vision Real Time? Nvidia Jetson TX2 + VisionWorks toolkit

The Computer Vision is a really computational power requesting task, if you work with computer vision you know that to reach very high frame rates you need to maximize the parallelism of the algorithms and you know that massive parallelism is reachable only moving elaborations to GPUs. The embedded massive…
First boot of the Nvidia Jetson TX2 and CUDA test
The dawn of the new Jetson… Nvidia Jetson TX2 has come
Nvidia Jetson TX1 as Access Point and a guide to configure ROS-OpenCV for Jetsons
Test of the integration of Ultrasonic Bumper with ROS framework

In the following video you can see one of the first test of the integration of the Ultrasonic Bumper with the ROS framework. The test verifies the response time of two sensors mounted on the front panel of MyzharBot-v4. The ros_ultrasonic_bumper node acquires the ranges from the two sensors and publishes…