You can officially meet MyzharBot at European Maker Faire in October!


It’s official: MyzharBot will be present at European Maker Faire in Rome since 3rd to 5th October. MyzharBot will not be alone, it will be accompanied by many of theĀ other robots from “Officine Robotiche” that already have accompanied him to the event “Officine Robotiche 2014“. From Maker Faire website: TheĀ Makerā€¦

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Video Server using Multicast is finally working

Multicast test

Finally, the Video Server is working using Multicast UDP protocol. There is no more limit to the number of clients that can connect to server, each client must only start binding to the correct port and can start to receive the frames asyncronously. I tested the code of the SDKā€¦

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Power Distribution board sent to PCB Service

New Power Distribution & Filtering

On the wave of the success of the funding campaign on TakeOff Crowdfunding, MyzharBot is now waiting for its new board: the Power Distribution v1.0. The Power Distribution board joins the two prototypes visibile on the rear of MyzharBot into one single board providing both protection to power inversion andā€¦

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SDK modification in progress…


Before of moving the servers of the robot on the NVidia Jetson TK1Ā I decided that it is the time to modify the Network Architecture of the HLU. The main modification is on Camera Server and Status Server… until now they were polling servers and each client should be connected directlyā€¦

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New photo gallery: NVidia Jetson TK1 mounted and powered

Protection for NVidia Jetson TK1

A new photo gallery is available: the NVidia Jetson TK1 is now mounted on the upper horizontal base and powered by the 12V generated by the programmable DC-DC converter. Now it’s time to port the software on the new board and to start to create Computer Vision algorithms!!!

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New rendering: MyzharBot with NVidia Jetson TK1 and protection

MyzharBot & NVidia Jetson TK1

A new rendering is available: MyzharBot is now at version 3.1.1. The new brain, NVidia Jetson TK1, fits perfectly on the electronics base and a transparent protection has been designed. Now its time to cut the protection with the laser machine and to mount the new brain onboard.

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